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Backtracking Part 2: Bequia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines to St. Lucia
Backtracking Part 2: 01/03/2024 Admiralty Bay, Bequia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines to Sourfriere, St. Lucia By Linda Bright and early, at 655am, we were off to St. Lucia! The first few hours of the passage we had nice wind. While passing by the large island of St. Vincent, we flew our screecher headsail along […]
Backtracking to December: Beginning the New Cruising Season
By Linda After a two week trip home to visit Jim’s sick dad, and have some family time , we returned to Ocean Song to begin our first season cruising the Caribbean. We were excited to embark on our first full season as true cruisers, with no set schedule! Now we could choose our weather […]
Settling into Cruising Life in Grenada, West Indies (WI)
JULY 15th We’ve now been in Grenada for just over a week and we are getting settled after more than a 3,146nm (3,620 statute miles) journey! That’s roughly the driving distance from Key West, Florida to Vancouver, British Columbia. On a sailboat we are usually going at a slow, jogger’s pace. As we’ve mentioned many […]
Hatchet Bay to Rock Sound Harbour Eleuthera
We left Hatchet Bay at just before 7am to head to our next anchorage, Rock Sound Harbour. We were hoping to be able to sail, but it would be a 6 hour and 45 minutes motor day with light winds. And what wind there was, was on our nose. Our intent was to stay at […]
Berry Islands to Spanish Wells
Our last stop in the Berry Islands was at Little Harbour Cay (LHC). The island has only two full-time residents and they operate a small restaurant. LHC is very isolated, the only visitors are cruisers, fisherman, and occasional day-trippers. We anchored Ocean Song behind a small island in the lee of LHC, Cabbage Cay, for […]
Our Time in the Berry Islands: Great Harbour Cay
After our first night behind Great Stirrup Cay, we made the short trip to Great Harbour Cay. We anchored off a protected bay called The Bay of Five Pirates in Bullocks Harbour. Great Harbour Cay is the most populated island in the Berry Islands. Population 353. Of these 353, we interacted with 11 during our […]
Grand Bahama to The Berry Islands
We arrived at Grand Bahama Island on Wednesday, April 26th. We spent three nights at the Grand Bahama Yacht Club in Lucaya. It was nice to be in a marina, we gave Ocean Song a much-needed cleaning and had some very good meals at the Yacht Club restaurant and a Greek restaurant, Zorbas, at the […]